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Caminito del Rey Tickets

Caminito del Rey Official Tickets | A unique natural space in the world

Caminito del Rey Visit

Incredible experience knowing the Caminito del Rey with an expert guide

Visit Tour

Caminito del Rey Guide + Visit + Tickets + Headphones

Tour Caminito del Rey

Tour by Bus from Costa del Sol (Málaga) together with a Guide.

Half Day Tour

Bus + Scort Guide + Caminito del Rey Guide + Visit + Tickets + Headphones

Caminito del Rey Excursion

Tour by Bus from Costa del Sol (Málaga) together with a Guide.

One Day Tour

Bus + Scort Guide + Caminito del Rey Guide + Visit + Tickets + Headphones

Caminito del Rey Day Trip

Private Tour by Bus from Costa del Sol (Málaga) together with a Guide.

Half or One Day Tour

Bus + Scort Guide + Caminito del Rey Guide + Visit + Tickets + Headphones

Featured Tour

Caminito del Rey Tour From Malaga

Get to know the most outstanding Tours

pasarela de madera pegada a la montaña con el rio

Shuttle Bus + Tickets + Visit Tour Caminito del Rey

Incredible experience knowing the Caminito del Rey with an expert guide

Shuttle Bus + Tour Guide + Tickets
imagen de la ultima parte del caminito del rey con el rio y la montaña

Only Tickets Caminito del Rey

Only Tickets for the Caminito del Rey, Free Visit
pasarela de madera entre las montañas del desfiladero del caminito del rey

Caminito del Rey From Malaga Tour

Tour by Bus from Costa del Sol (Málaga) together with a Guide.
One Day Tour
Bus + Scort Guide + Caminito del Rey Guide + Visit + Tickets Caminito del Rey + Headphones
Featured Tour

Malaga Caminito del Rey Tour

Get to know the most outstanding Tours

una pasarela del Caminito del Rey entre las montañas

Caminito del Rey Private Tour

Private Tour by Bus from Costa del Sol (Málaga) together with a Guide.

Half Day Tour

Bus + Scort Guide + Caminito del Rey Guide + Visit + Tickets Caminito del Rey + Headphones

Caminito del Rey Private Tour

Private Tour by Bus from Costa del Sol (Málaga) together with a Guide.

One Day Tour

Bus + Scort Guide + Caminito del Rey Guide + Visit + Tickets Caminito del Rey + Headphones
vista superior del rio y el desfiladero del Caminito del Rey

Caminito del Rey Express Tour

Tour by Bus from Costa del Sol (Málaga) together with a Guide.

Half Day Tour

Bus + Scort Guide + Caminito del Rey Guide + Visit + Tickets Caminito del Rey + Headphones

The Location Map

El Caminito del Rey is located in the center of the province of Malaga, about 60 km from Malaga City.

Located between the towns of Ardales and El Chorro, it offers an incredible environment

Caminito del Rey
How to get there from malaga ?

Malaga to Caminito del Rey Car

From Málaga

To get to the Caminito del Rey from Malaga, take the A-357 road towards MA-5403, we must pass through the towns of Cartama, Pizarra, Carratraca and Ardales, after Ardales you will find the Caminito del Rey, on the road you will see indications for find the car park. The journey of about 60 km and the approximate time by car of about 50 minutes.

Malaga Caminito del Rey Train

Check the Renfe website for the schedules to get by train from Malaga to the El Chorro train station.

Click here to go to the Renfe website.

Upon arrival at the El Chorro train station, you must use the Shuttle Service from the station to the North Access of the Caminito del Rey.

The Shuttle Times is from 08:30 to 16:30 every 30 minutes.

Info About Caminito del Rey

Before coming

Here general information about the Caminito del Rey

The Caminito del Rey runs for approximately 8 kilometers, divided into 5 main parts:

1- First canyon, the Gaitanejo gorge here begins the first walkway during this first stage we can see El Mirador, the pots or cambutas and some remains of the old electrical installation in the area.

2- Second canyon, this part of the Caminito is called Tajo de las Palomas in this part of the visit we will see El Mirador del Talud just before reaching the Tajo de Las Palomas, also the bridge of the King that is in the middle of the Tagus river and The Deserenador and the Cueva del Toro.

3- We arrive at the third part of the visit, known as the Valle del Hoyo, the part with the most vegetation of the route, where you can enjoy the nature of the Caminito del Rey.

4- Third canyon, the most exciting stage of the route, with walkways over 100 meters high, also the part where we cross the imposing suspension bridge and that will test your courage, the Desfinaladero de los Gaitanes will put you to the test and will make you enjoy

5- The final section that runs along a natural path called Caminito del Rey Avenue, it was precisely along this part of the Caminito del Rey that it was born, we find, among others, La Central Hidroelectrica del Chorro, Viaducto de los Albercones, Antiguo Poblado del Chorro, The Railway Station and the impressive tunnels that cross nature.


  • Why was the Caminito del Rey born?

The answer is quite simple, out of necessity, the need of the builder of the Rafael Benjumea hydroelectric plants, he needed an access between the 2 waterfalls so that the workers could access, in his first construction they were nothing more than some wooden planks.

  • Why is it called the Caminito del Rey?

King Alfonso XIII inaugurated the Conde del Guadalhorce dam following the built path, it was then that it was baptized as the king’s path.

  • Essential for the people of the area

Although at first the Caminito was used by the operators, it quickly served for all the people who lived in the area to get from one place to another, including children to go to school, mothers to buy in the town…

  • Tourist from the beginning

It seems like a coincidence, but Rafael Benjumea restored the Caminito del Rey to a safer and more comfortable construction due to the multiple visits of family, friends and important people of the time, who were impressed by what they saw there.

Flora & Fauna

Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus.

The natural area of the gaitanes gorge, is the largest protected area in the province of Malaga, in the gorge and thanks to its architecture a unique microclimate in the world has been created for centuries, where very different species and from many places coexist. , more than 600 types of plants and vegetation.

The fauna of the gorge is also wide and the most notable in the area are the mountain goat, hawks, kestrels, golden eagles or vultures.

A unique place in the world in every way.

Before Going

Opening Hours:

Winter: from 09:00 to 15:30
Summer: from 09:00 to 17:00

**Hours may change**

They are almost 8 kilometers and it takes approximately 2 to 3 hours to travel, depending on the level of the person.

Those under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult, and children under 8 years of age cannot do the Caminito del Rey.

**All visitors over the age of 18 must present documentation to prove age**

Physical State:
The route has a medium/high difficulty, you do not have to be an athlete to be able to do the Caminito del Rey, but if the person has mobility problems or health problems it is advisable not to make the visit.

About Us

Tickets Caminito del Rey

It is the brand of a Travel Agency collaborating with the Caminito del Rey for years, thousands of clients have enjoyed our services and tours in the Caminito del Rey.

We have a great team of expert guides who will guide you and show you the wonderful Caminito del Rey

Why Choose Us

Kings Walk Malaga

Choose Tickets Caminito del Rey to get to know this place


The satisfaction of thousands of customers is our history.

Affordable Price

You will find the best prices for Tours to the Caminito del Rey here.

24/7 Support

We are always available in case you have any questions or problems.


Frequently Ask Questions

Once you finish your purchase and receive the confirmation email, your reservation will be 100% Confirmed

The minimum age to go to the Caminito del Rey is 8 years

It is always recommended to go with comfortable clothes and shoes, it is hours walking and stairs.

It is a 8 kilometer route and it takes about 3 hours to complete the tour.

The Level of Difficulty of the Caminito del Rey is Medium/Low and almost anyone who does not have physical problems can do it.

You can cancel your reservation 7 days in advance without charge

7 Days before your Tour Tickets Caminito del Rey purchase and confirm your entry, if after this time you have to cancel your reservation there is a 50% charge

Our Buses pick up along the entire Costa del Sol, from Estepona to Malaga, there are multiple pick-up points.

The Bus takes approximately 1:30 to reach the Caminito del Rey.

Caminito del Rey Express is back in Costa del Sol at approximately 3:00 p.m.
Caminito del Rey Regular Tour is back in Costa del Sol at approximately 6:00 p.m.

Caminito del Rey is a candidate to be a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, for its history, for its surroundings, for being one of the most impressive places it must be recognized. Add your support to our candidacy.

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