How to dress for Caminito del Rey?

How do I prepare for Caminito del Rey?

This is a very important part of being able to enjoy the Caminito del Rey.

Visitors often dress for the Caminito del Rey in any way, it is a very common mistake and one that at Caminito del Rey Tickets we advise you never to make.

In addition to the prohibitions that you must take into account when visiting the Caminito del Rey.

  • Cannot be done in flip flops
  • Cannot be done with sandals
  • You can’t go without a shirt
  • Can’t go with small tops
  • At all times you must wear a safety helmet


In addition to these instructions, it is advisable to always wear comfortable clothing, keep in mind that you will be walking for 2 or 3 hours on stairs, wooden paths and others.

Keep in mind the time of year you are visiting the Caminito del Rey.

Winter: Although on the Malaga Coast if you come from cold countries, the temperature may seem pleasant, keep in mind that the Caminito del Rey is inland and the temperatures are somewhat lower.

We recommend dressing as if you were trekking in the mountains, if you carry a backpack you can always take off some clothes, better than over clothes rather than being cold!!

Spring: Generally the temperature is quite pleasant, although there are days of low temperatures, it is a time when visiting the Caminito del Rey is done in a very comfortable way.

We recommend wearing long pants, a t-shirt and a jacket or fleece that we can remove if we need to.

Summer: It is the most complicated time due to the high temperatures, you should go cool, because just as in winter the temperature in this area is lower, in summer they are higher and at some times of the day they are really hot.

We recommend dressing in cool clothing, shorts and a t-shirt.

Autumn: The temperature is very similar to spring, pleasant but depending on the day it can be more or less cold, it is a good time to do the Caminito del Rey.

We recommend wearing long pants, a t-shirt and a jacket or fleece that we can remove if we need to.

It is important to always carry water for good hydration, keep in mind that during the Caminito del Rey there are no points where you can drink or buy water.

If you have the possibility of going with a backpack it will always be good to be able to remove or put on clothes that we need.

We must always keep in mind that we are doing physical activity and the body temperature rises and less shelter is needed.

Follow our instructions on what to take to the Caminito del Rey in the following Link.

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