Kings Walk Malaga

general info

What should I take with me?


It is recommended to wear comfortable and sporty shoes.
**It is forbidden to wear sandals, flip flops, heels...**


Sports and comfortable clothing, it depends on the time of year and if there is rain or not to go well prepared.


In Malaga almost all year round there is sun, it is advisable to always use sunscreen.


Always carry water with you to visit the Caminito del Rey, during the tour there is no type of store where you can do it.


Bring a snack or energy bar to eat something on the way, there are no shops along the way.

Selfie Sticks & Drines

It is allowed to take photos and videos of course, but selfie sticks and drones are not allowed.

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Del Rey Walk Malaga

general info

What should I know?


The Caminito del Rey has a total distance of approximately 8 kilometers.


It takes to complete the complete tour between 3 or 4 hours, depending on the fitness level of the person.

Fitness Level Requiered

It is not required to be an athlete and almost anyone can make the visit, but you must take into account the kilometers and the duration of the tour, as well as stairs, narrow parts...


All minors (18 years old) must be accompanied by an adult and children under 8 years of age are not allowed to visit.


You must take into account that during the tour there are no toilets, only at the entrance and exit.
Currently El Caminito del Rey is working on ecological ways for the installation of bathrooms but they are not yet enabled.


For security reasons, animals are not allowed to enter the Caminito del Rey.

ID Card or Passport

It is mandatory to carry an identity card or original passport.


Smoking is prohibited during the entire route of the Caminito del Rey.


In almost the entire route the coverage is almost zero.

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Guided Tour Caminito del Rey from Malaga

general info


Opening hours

The opening hours of the Caminito del Rey depend on the time of the year and it is something that can change.
Normally in winter 09:30 to 15:00
Normally in summer 09:30 to 17:00

Caminito del Rey Tickets has its own agreed tickets with specific times.

Opening Days

The Caminito del Rey opens from Tuesday to Sunday every month of the year.


The Caminito del Rey can be closed without prior notice for security reasons if the weather is bad.

On Time

You must take into account that access to the Caminito del Rey is regulated by schedules, for security reasons people cannot accumulate. Therefore, it is essential that you are on time.


There are 3 car parkings in the Caminito del Rey.

Parking 1 in Ardales and near the entrance to Caminito del Rey. Price of €2.00/day.

Parking 2 in Alora, near the Caminito del Rey exit. Price €2.00/day.

Parking 3 in the Visitor Center. Price €2.00/day.

Shuttle Bus

There is a Shuttle Bus service that connects the 3 car parks as well as the entrance, exit and the visitor center.

The price of the Ticket is €2.50 and you can go up on the same day as many times as you want.

The Shuttle Bus timetable is from 07:50 to 19:00.


Frequently Ask Questions​

How long does it take to hike Caminito del Rey?

It all depends on the state of fitness of each person or also on the time you want to spend inside the Caminito del Rey, but, at a normal pace and a normal visit it takes approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes.

How scary is the Caminito del Rey?

If you have vertigo at heights, Caminito del Rey is not your place, but it is suitable for all people and there is no danger.

Can you just turn up at Caminito del Rey?

It is somewhat inadvisable, tickets to the Caminito del Rey sell out easily and most likely there are no tickets available.

Is Camino del Rey worth it?

It is somewhat inadvisable, tickets to the Caminito del Rey sell out easily and most likely there are no tickets available.

Can you walk Caminito del Rey without a guide?

The answer is yes, although it is not advisable, there is no comparison between visiting without a guide or with a guide. Together with our guide you will get to know and enjoy your visit to the Caminito del Rey much more.

How to dress for Caminito del Rey?

Comfortable footwear is very important, flip flops and comfortable clothing are not allowed.
It depends on the time of year to dress appropriately, remember that Malaga is generally a hot place.

Is Caminito del Rey safe?

Of course yes, Caminito del Rey is a safe place for everyone, it has all the security measures, professionals are present throughout the entire tour for the safety of the visit.

Is Caminito del Rey for kids?

The minimum age to visit the Caminito del Rey is 8 years old, children must always be accompanied by adults.

Is Caminito del Rey open all year?

Yes, thanks to the weather conditions in Malaga, the Caminito del Rey is open all year round.
If you have to take into account that practically every Monday except special dates, the Caminito del Rey is closed for maintenance reasons.
If weather conditions such as strong winds or heavy rain occur, the Caminito del Rey may remain closed.

Is the Caminito del Rey steep?

On the Caminito del Rey there are hills and stairs, you don’t have to be in athletic shape, but you do have to be in good health.

Is Caminito del Rey morning or afternoon?

It can be visited both in the morning and in the afternoon, you should keep in mind that in summer it is better to avoid the hours of highest temperature.

Where do you start the Caminito del Rey?

The Caminito del Rey begins at the North Access and ends at the South Access.

How much does it cost to walk the Caminito del Rey?

It is approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes of travel, you do not need to be in great physical condition to walk the Caminito del Rey.

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